Custom Work Gallery


Figurines of People

Size: 10 inches, Medium: Polymer Clay, Colour: Acrylics.


Size: 7 cm, Medium: Resin.


Size: 4 inches, Medium: Polymer Clay, Colour: Acrylics, Base: Cricket Ball, Enclosure: Acrylic box.


This memorial bust is special to me. This is the bust of a school teacher who donated her kidney to her student. Unfortunately due to complications the teacher passed away. Such selfless sacrifice!

Size: 5 inches, Medium: Polymer Clay, Colour: Acrylics.



Pets & Animals

Size: 3 inches, Medium: Resin.


Size: 7 cm, Medium: Polymer Clay, Colour: Acrylics, Base: Teak wood.


Exactly what I was looking for!

Satish Subbaiah

The Lions are so majestic. Exactly what I was looking for. They adorn my gate, glaring fiercely at passers-by. Here have a look at those Stoneware Lions!

Satish Subbaiah
Size: 18 inches, Medium: Stoneware Ceramic Clay, Mounted on pillars of the gate of a farm house in Coorg.


Size: 5 cm, Medium: Polymer Clay, Colour: Acrylics, Base: Engraved Teak wood.



Fridge Magnets

Size: 3 inches, Medium: Resin with Magnets, Colour: Automotive Paints.


Size: 3 inches, Medium: Resin with Magnets, Colour: Automotive Paints.



Visual Merchandising & Collaborations

Ceramic Bow Ties

Size: 12 cm, Medium: Slip Cast Ceramics, Colour: Claystation Glazes.


Mini Mannequins for Tata Zoya Jewellery

Mini Mannequin Size: 10 inches, Medium: Resin, Mesh and Brass pipe.


Mitra Robot for Invento Robotics

News Grabs

Size: 5 feet clay model & mold, The fibre glass composite was made by Mr.Angappan & associates.


Masterpiece for Chocolate casting

Size: 8 inches, Medium: Terracotta Clay, Masterpiece for molding and casting into Chocolate.



Other Custom Projects

Size: 3 inches, Medium: Polymer clay, Colour: Acrylics.


Size: 4 inches, Medium: Terracotta, Colour: Acrylics.

God is in the details!

Mayuri Hunchyali

God is in the details. And Barney completely lives up to it. He’s relentless till he’s given his client complete satisfaction, and would redo the sculpture a million times till he achieves perfection.

And I’d say the same about the doll he sculpted for me, it sways so gracefully and the color imitation is bang on.

Barney is your go to person for any sculpture customization!

Mayuri Hunchyalli


Size: 6 inches, Medium: Polymer clay, Colour: Acrylics.


Size: 4cm x 4cm, Medium: Resin, Colour: Acrylics.


If you would like to learn to sculpt or have a custom sculpture made for you, then please do reach out to me! Please do share this with others or on social media. It might help someone!