Available Original Work

KHATA Series

by Barney Joseph

Commission Work

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Learn Sculpting

Sculpting Class Natural Clay Preview

Please note:

These classes are conducted at studios in Bangalore. However:

  • Do you have a studio at another city or place?
  • Are you interested in having a batch at your studio?

I am interested in traveling and teaching at different places! Please contact me.

Online Classes

Student Work

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Sculpture workshop….an insight to a beginner

Workshop on sculpture walked me through a different dimension to pottery involving different approach than what I knew about pottery as a basic student. It was interesting, little difficult to understand fully and follow the concepts immediately within the limited time. But the icing was the final technique he taught us which was real shocker… Read more “Sculpture workshop….an insight to a beginner”

Shivashankari Ramachandran


Sculpting Mediums Series Start Banner Slider

About the Artist

Barney Joseph - Sculpting

Have you ever felt that life is extremely hard and that there is no hope for you? Hi, my name is Barney Joseph and I am part of a large crowd of misplaced engineers, a growing trend in India. Today, I run my own sculpting studio, but I started sculpting entirely by chance.

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